Oak is a tiny Arduino Compatible development board with built-in Wi-Fi powered by the Particle Cloud (formerly Spark.IO) which makes it easy to create cloud-connected electronic devices, projects, and products.
Pinout & General Notes
Pin 10 is not PWM capable. Pins 0-9 are, and they also have internal pullups.
Pin 10 is also the [WAKE] pin. See also DeepSleep
Pin 0, 1, and 2 must not be held low at boot. Be careful not to attach pull down resistors to them (pull-ups are fine) unless they are only active after power up. Pulling P1 to GND will enter safe mode (if configured to do so) allowing for recovery from bad code and allowing for the Oak to be reconfigured. Pulling P2 to GND will put the Oak in firmware programming mode, allowing you to reset the Oaks firmware in those unfortunate times where something has gone majorly wrong!
Pin 6 must not be held high at boot. Be careful not to attach pull up resistors to it (pull-downs are fine) unless they are only active after power up.
Pin [Enable] must not be held low, it has internal pullup.
There is only one analog input capable pin, A0.
Procedura di primo setup
Oak Wifi Config
Per la prima configurazione collegarsi alla console di configurazione : http://rawgit.com/digistump/OakSoftAP/master/config.html,
quindi collegarsi alla rete wifi erogata dal device stesso (Please connect to the ACORN-XXXXXX WiFi network) e seguire le istruzioni.
Il device si collegherà alla rete wifi che viene indicata, quindi si aggiornerà via internet.
Quando il device è pronto, led 1 blinkerà periodicamente 3 volte.
Particle Console
Collegarsi alla console di gestione su Particle : https://console.particle.io/devices ed effettuare il Claim del dispositivo.
È necessario il device id, se non lo si ha a disposizione lo si può ottenere dalla web interface del device.
Internal Oak urls
Elenco degli url interni di Oak, utile per identificare il device id o la versione del firmware:
Local update
Nel caso di Online update fail seguire la procedura manuale (oaksrv su pc, telefono come configuratore) : http://digistump.com/wiki/oak/tutorials/local_update
Arduino ide setup
Seguire la procedura per il setup dell’ambiente di sviluppo : http://digistump.com/wiki/oak/tutorials/arduino
Verranno scaricate le librerie necessarie e la “descrizione” del device hardware per Arduino IDE
Particle IO API
Testing con curl e programmazione in nodejs – http://www.facciocose.eu/particle-io-api-curl-e-nodejs/
BLE 4.0 con HM10
Da validare – https://www.sunfounder.com/wiki/index.php?title=Bluetooth_4.0_HM-10_Master_Slave_Module
LiPo Charger Shield
The LiPo Charger Shield allows you to power your Oak with a single-cell 3.7V Lithium-ion Polymer battery and charge it via the Oak’s USB port. The kit includes 200mAh LiPo battery.
BLE 4.0 Shield
Bluetooth Low Energy Shield for the Oak.
Altri link utili
Da valutare – https://docs.particle.io/reference/firmware/photon/#tcpserver
Guida per la stagnatura in generale – https://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/106
Stagnatura degli header Oak – http://digistump.com/wiki/oak/tutorials/headers
Particle IDE
Oak non ancora supportato – https://build.particle.io/login
Oak Dashboard
Da Digistump si interfaccia al particle – https://digistump.com/dashboard/
Oak Term
Altra console di gestione – http://rawgit.com/kh90909/OakTerm/master/index.html